Sunday, June 12, 2011

Why Do People Act The Way They Do?

Why do people act the way they  do, that's the million dollar question isn't it?  Some, like myself, might say that God's design is flawed.  Right, I mean free will is one bug mistake wouldn't you say?  Instead of making us capable of building a Utopia, He gave us free will and screwed everything up.  Violence and crime is the problem he created.

Take myself for example, I use my free will in what I believe is the right way, not saying that I use to.  I use to have a violent temper, which I learned to control, but now I use it to help people instead of hurting them.

My wife's ex-husband and his family a good examples of the wrong way.  He's been threatening her, trying to turn her two oldest kids against me, which he succeeded in doing with the youngest.  When they were married, he had her pinned against the fridge choking her, almost killing her, but she was able to fight her way out.  He kidnapped their kids for three weeks and no one, not even the cops, would help her.  When she went to get them back personally, his mom hit her in the back of the head with something, causing a concussion and a knot on the back of her head, forcing her to have to go to the hospital.  Not to mention when she was drunk and asleep, his brother tried to do things to her, but she was able to fight him off.  And her ex-husband defended him, he was more ticked at her and not at his brother.

He's been spying on our house, took pictures of the outside of our house.  On top of that, he told the youngest that if she didn't take pictures of the inside of our house on our wedding day, he would whip her or beat her.  She was afraid to tell us, but she told my wife's sister who in turn told use so we could deal with the problem.  When she wants to keep the kids on one day of his weekend, like going to mine or her family reunion, he throws a hissie fit and won't let her have them.  Plus when they have projects to do, for school, 4H, girlscouts, that's when he makes plans with them and their mom is left doing it for them.

He's also constantly telling them not to listen to us in our own house and tries to tell my wife what she can and can't do in her house.  So it all comes back to God's mistake.
So let me know what y'all think.

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